Currently Reading: Agatha Christie’s “The Hollow”

Agatha Christie’s novel titled “The Hollow” was released in 1946. This is one of Agatha Christie’s most famous novels. The plot centers on a group of people who have been invited to spend the weekend in a mansion in the English countryside. One of the weekend’s visitors is found dead, however, and events quickly spiral out of control. The novel’s plot is full of surprises and twists that will keep readers wondering right up until the final page. One of Christie’s finest works, “The Hollow” demonstrates her skill at building suspense. Read “The Hollow” if you want a page-turner that will have you on the edge of your seat.

It is easy to see why Agatha Christie is considered to be one of the greatest mystery authors of all time after reading The Hollow. The storyline is intricate and packed with unexpected turns, and each of the characters has been thoughtfully crafted and is engaging. The conclusion is extremely gratifying because all of the unresolved issues are resolved in a clear and concise manner. I believe that The Hollow is an excellent selection for a reader interested in reading a mystery novel or getting to know Christie.