So I am sitting here and I should be out the door, but I decided to post this quickly. I had it sitting in my drafts since last night but didn’t publish it because I didn’t want to make you sick. Not that you would get sick of seeing cat pictures. But I have posted a lot of photos in the last couples of days.
Here is a new gallery of adorable fur balls that I thought you would/should enjoy.
I know I did/do.

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One of the commenters made a reference to the movie Step Brothers: “Look how much room we have for activities!” And the funny thing was, this was my first reaction as well. It really is a great idea.

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Each photo has a link back to the source. I hang out on imgur quite a bit, mostly because they have so many cat photos. I have found some that were just too cute. The cats sneezing, cats jumping and other adorable cat photos I have posted here on erraticfrog are just a samll sample of what makes my day go round.